Jackie Marie Plant - Online Gedenkwebseite

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Jackie Plant
Geboren inTexas
25 years
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nora i miss you November 25, 2012
hey aunt jackie i miss you so much i cant believe its been 6 years already it seems like just yesterday it was halloween and i was hugging and telling you i love you but now your watching over me so love you and miss you aunt jackie
heather not much to say... November 26, 2010
hey jackie i want you to know how much i miss you. u would have been an aunt recently jamie has a beautiful baby girl aiyana. i still wish you was here i love you so much well theres not much to say i gues...
heatherr two things November 12, 2009
wow jackie i can't believe its been three years. it just seemed like yesterday you were still here with us. i still think about you and i love you no matter how long itll turn out to be untill we meet agian that will never change. i wrote you two poems. so here they are i hope you like them. this one is called BROKEN. i just want you to know. i love the way you laugh. i just want to steal away your pain. cause im broken when i see you there laying in bed in pain your sick, but you still smile and it gets me broken cause we know your fate. the worst is over now you can rest in peace you dont have to worry about the pain no more now im broken your gone forever and im broken and alone i look at your photograph i remember your laugh i start to smile but ill always be broken this one is called NEVER MORE nevermore shall i see your face hear your laughter or your singing. see you smile nevermore nevermore shall you comfort,talk,or hug me nevermore shall you see your son grow nevermore will i call your name and you shall answer never will you see the sun shine or fell the star light nevermore shall you breathe fresh air, fell the rain, or wind. nevermore shall i tell you i love you or will you drive a car. nevermore shall you go through cemo, and lose your hair. nevermore shall you feel pain. i hope you like them jackie, ttyl
little sis how long? October 22, 2009
how long has it been since ive seen you. It seems like forever and i still cant believe your gone. i miss you so much, and i love u so. i think about u all the time and i wanna let u know. u are the STRONGEST person ive ever know and the bravest. you have and always will be my hero.ive always looked up to u, and always will. u r still my role model and hope to be one for antony. i cant wait to see you agian, I wish i could have said goodbye to you and let you know how much i loved you i should have been there and im sorry i wasnt. i promise ill try to be a better person a good person like you taught me to be. i promise to keep my promise ive made to you to watch over anthony. hell never forget you, no one will. i wrote u a poem but i gotta write it later. i love you. you will always be in my heart.forever.
Dawn <3 your cousin October 21, 2009
Wow - Today you would have been 28. Has it already been 3 years??? So much has changed since then. It has been so long since I have written on this site, but I think about you just about daily. So many people do,and always will. I miss you so much! I can still hear you laughing, and I can still see you tripping over nothing and being so goofy! I know you wouldn't like people crying at your memories, but sometimes tears just cant be helped. You are so beautiful Jackie, and when I think of how different our family would be if you were here.... you just added so much to it. You were my cousin, but we were close, and Iremember how much we helped eachother in high school. I love you so much. I can't wait till I see you again. For now, I will just have to be ok with seeing you in my dreams. Happy birthday, and tell poppy happy birthday as well. I love you!
Aunt Lynn smile October 21, 2009
Today I thought about you and for the first time I smiled. I was able to see you as free and out of pain. I still miss you like crazy and wish you were here to fix some of the things that are so screwed up your smile could make a differance I love you Jackie and wish things could have been differant but always remember you are in my thoughts love aunt lynn
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Thinking of You October 21, 2009

her brother michael so long August 31, 2008
Jackie it has been a long time since i have EVEN SAID YOUR NAME AN THOUGHT of you an i feel bad for that an i was angry at  you for leaving me behind to face my parent's an to protect heather so i almost gave up i terned to drug's an other stuff an then it hit me like nyou old me a long time a go"michael take care of hether an never let any one hurt her" well i failed at that to a point i still sufered in a abusive home an  let my sis get hurt by people then i did what you whanted us away from my mother an know i live with juamie an wish i had a chance to spend more time with you an i miss you so bad but i hold all in i don't cry any more i dont care about myself any more just my sister's i'm going to tell you some more about myself i'm going to the militery (marine core)
Big Sis If Tears Could Build a Stairway November 12, 2007

If Tears Could Build A Stairway

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No on will ever know

But know we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you’ll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you’ll always stay

Author Unknown

Becky {MOM} Her Journey's Just Begun October 31, 2007
Her Journey's Just Begun
Don"t think of her as gone away---
Her journey's just begun,
Life holds so many facets---
this earth is just one.
Just think of her as resting
from the sorrows and the tears
in a place of warmth and comfort
where there are no days and years
Think how she must be wishing
that we could know today
how nothing but our sadness
can really pass away.
And think of her as living
in the hearts of those she touched...
for nothing loved is ever lost---
and she was loved so very, very much.
Rebecca Plant    {MoM}     We Miss You                      October 31,2oo7
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