Jackie Marie Plant - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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Jackie Plant
Родился вTexas
25 years
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Генеалогическое древо
nora memories November 25, 2012
i remember when we would bring halie over to your house we would pick on her and anthony
Lynn Aunt November 7, 2012
Funny how I think of you every day but a lot more this time of year, I miss you with all my HEART and wish I had just one more day to tell you just how much I LOVE YOU!!! Keep watching this famile they need you more then they know. I love you now and FOREVER
Jennifer Your birth. October 21, 2012
 I came home from school on October, 21, 1981, to find your mom on the couch. She was on all fours rocking back and forth and screaming. Dad was on a tree job. I was scared so I ran next door and ask them to call the ambulance. When I got back to the apartment you were already coming out. I struggled trying to help your mom get her jeans off and pop! There you were in my hands. The umbilical cord was wrapped around your neck and you were not breathing. The firemen and ambulance arrived just in time and saved your life<3 I got up with you at night to feed you, change you and rock you back to sleep. I was 12. I took pride that you were not only born 9 days before me but you looked just like me<3 You and Jamie gave me a reason to get up everyday, you gave me purpose at a time when things were so dark in my life. I left to go live with my mom here in CT when you were 2 and I felt guilty that I had to leave you and Jamie behind. At the time I felt you were safe. It was me who was not. Every year on your birthday I thought of you and several times inbetween. I have searched and kepy a close relationship with Aunt Lynn for awhile, Aunt Lynn is 1 of my favorite people<3 I have prayed for so long to God for his help in protecting you guys and helping me find you, Jamie and Alfred(John). I am saddened to find that you have passed and this door is closed. Aunt Lynn tells me that she let you know how very much you mean to me and I am forever grateful to her for that. You turned out to be a beautiful young lady and as I have read all about you I have to laugh at how alike we are. You are in fact mini me. I know heaven has set you free, freeer than you could have ever imagined. I know I will see you there one day. I love you so very much<3 Your oldest sister, Jennifer.
I remember how whenever i came over to help you with anothy you were always happy even in pain. I remember how you would play with my hair and always old me when i was upset. I remember how you alwaysencourage me to do my best. i love u, i know youll always be my angel,siser and mother. i love you.
Michael Heindl USMC
Jackie my sis my friend one of my insperations may you find what the end of the tunnells hold. i sorry i feel bad i put you in a box and hid you away then bam i seena pic and i cant hold it back. yeah i reminber when you toke me in and was teaching me my signature loli still writ it like that today. god lol i reminber when i would come over and me you talk of me going millatary even when they said id never make it. well i am. i made it. in fact sis i head to afghan in june. yeah im scared positive side is i have family waiting for me either path i head down. god i miss you im crying so bad. i wanna go UA and walk in your house and see you again. may you be my angel in the mist of evil. jackie :) love you
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